Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Spring has Sprung
Also I am so excited because the Tulips and flowers in our yard are begining to BLOOM! I am so happy to see the sure signs of spring here with its wonderful colors and smells!
and of course Easter! We had a wonderful relaxing eatster that we spend with lots of family, we started off at my Granppa and Grandma Lloyds (who live here is Sugar House) wished them a Happy Easter listened to the morning sesion with them, then we went to my parents and listened to more confrence, found our baskets that the easter bunny hid and colored Easter Eggs, we then went to Matts wonderful Aunt Kitoras for a yummy easter dinner with all of his large family there and then we ended at our second familys home (they arent really family but pretty much) Dave and Leslie Mckinnons! It was a perfectly crazy holiday filled with family, Just like we like it here in the Francis home!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Crazy life at the Francis House
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A warm Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I know everyone says this but i cant believe it has been a year, it literaly flew by! We had such a crazy first year of marriage. This year we have had some really hard times, a few sad times, but mostly great times!Looking back everything we went through only brought us closer and made us stronger which i am so greatful for it all!
Between the 2 of us we have had...
7 job changes
2 moves,
sold 2 cars,
bought 2 new cars,
been on a cruise to Mexico,
been to Aruba,
been on another 9 day cruise to Mexico,
found out we were pregnant,
had a very hard ectopic pregnancy,
been to Orlando,
been to Vegas twice,
been to AZ
have been back and forth to the hospital multiple times for tests (to many times to count
and Adopted our little puppy blessing named Otto!
And i can say i wouldnt have wanted to go through any of it with out my wonderful husband Matt whom i love so so much and am blessed to say is mine!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thanks; were it isnt given enough.